The way we move affects our perception of the world. So, let's add some variety to our movement! Develop a funny way of walking and move in that way for the next 100 meters.
To listen is to perceive the flow of time. Take a minute, sit down, close your eyes, and listen to the sounds of the city. One by one, focus on the quieter sounds you can hear next.
For this challenge, you will leave all decisions up to Lady Luck for your next turn. Let the toss of a single coin decide which way you should go! Don’t toss twice; no one likes a cheat (especially not Lady Luck)!
At the Finanzpark, there are several stone figures, including one of a philosopher. Locate the statue and research one of his quotes.
At the historic Viktualienmarkt, a blue and white maypole can be found all year round. The tradition of dancing around the maypole is deeply rooted in Bavaria. Find the maypole and dance a ring dance around it.
Im Münchner Wappen ist ein kleiner Mönch zu sehen, das liebevoll das Münchner Kindl genannt wird. Das Kindl ist an vielen Orten in München zu sehen. Findet drei verschiedene Kindl auf eurem Weg durch die Stadt.
Find the highest accessible point nearby, from where you can have a view on Munich. Get up there and enjoy the view.
Photos are great for capturing memories, but a drawing is created through a personal filter, making it something truly unique and special.
Many things in everyday life are often overlooked. However, when viewed with attention, they reveal their beauty. This may be the color or texture of a surface or a special arrangement of objects.
When people perform an action in synchrony as a group, it automatically attracts others to join. For example, simply looking at a specific point together is enough to create interest.
Playing a game, / City's grand soul now revealed, / Words work their magic.
Find street musicians who gift the city with their music, and play, sing or dance along. Clapping with your hands alone doesn't count. If you like, give something back to the musicians.
All over the city, you can find pictures and posters of celebrities. Choose one and step into their shoes for a while. If you choose a singer, for example, sing one of their songs.
At Promenadeplatz, at the feet of Renaissance composer Orlando di Lasso, a memorial has been created for pop icon Michael Jackson. Visit it and perform your best version of the legendary moonwalk there.
In the Hofgarten arcades directly behind Odeonsplatz, frescoes can be seen on the walls that depict the history of the House of Wittelsbach, which ruled over Bavaria for centuries. Look for different recurring motifs or symbols in the frescoes.
The Parisian street artist "Invader" has visited Munich and left his famous pixel art tiles at various locations in the city. Go to the Viktualienmarkt and find a pixel art piece.
The passage of time leaves visible and tangible marks on the surfaces of objects. Often, facades of houses or the doors of residential buildings display beautiful decorations from bygone eras.
There is a legendary footprint in the Frauenkirche from which no windows in the church can be seen. How many windows does the church actually have?
At the Museum of Plaster Casts, you can find an incredible number of plaster replicas of Greek and Roman statues. Go to the museum's atrium and stand among the statues, taking a pose like one of the figures.
The interior of the Asamkirche impresses with its overwhelming aesthetics. Visit this church and learn about the legend of Johannes Nepomuk, the patron saint of the church.
In the Citizens' Hall, the bust of Father Rupert Mayer is exhibited, who publicly spoke out against the crimes during the Nazi regime. Find the bust and interview a person on the street about what they think would be a virtuous act.
The trail of bronze cobblestones in Viscardigasse shows the path that people took during the Nazi era if they did not want to pass by the nearby Feldherrnhalle, where they had to make the obligatory Hitler salute in front of the guards.
In every city, sculptures and statues of influential people from the past are displayed. Find a sculpture in the streets and interact with it in a way that brings it to life.
When we practice small acts of kindness, we create the world we want to live in. Perform an action that brings kindness into the world. You could hold the door for someone, express appreciation, or offer help to a person in need of support.
Our mission is to infuse the world with playfulness and connection through our game. To accomplish this, we need players to share their fun experiences, giving others a taste of what our game is all about.
We love Challenges! Be creative and invent your own Challenge to test our limits! We will do our best to complete all submitted Challenges (as long as they are doable). We share the results on instagram/tiktok @urbanchallenger.
Share your superpower with each other. Choose an ability or trait that you like about yourself, and find a body posture that expresses this superpower.
Let's fill the streets with laughter! It's really simple: "If you tell me a joke, I'll tell you one too." Approach a stranger on the street and exchange jokes. The challenge is to make the stranger laugh.
Create a unique greeting ritual for your team with at least five steps. You can also incorporate other body parts besides hands into the sequence. You can now use this ritual to celebrate the successful completion of a challenge.
When was the last time you sent a postcard to someone? Choose a nice card and write an analog greeting to friends or family.
Besorgt euch eine Blume und tauscht sie mit jemandem auf der Straße gegen etwas ein, was diese Person euch geben möchte.
Language is the key to understanding a culture. Learn a few phrases in the local dialect and ask a native speaker for feedback on your pronunciation.
Plants face many challenges in urban environments. Compacted and sealed soils, along with extreme heat and drought due to climate change, take a toll on them. However, with some care, we can assist plants and connect with nature.
Find a park, take off your shoes, and walk barefoot through the grass. It can be incredibly refreshing and stimulating for the senses. Depending on the neighborhood, it can also be a challenge to find a nice section of the park without dog poop. But you can do it!
Let's make the world greener! Organize seeds for flowers or other plants as well as some loose humus and make seed bombs. Throw them in a suitable place where you have permission.
Was wäre die Stadt ohne ihre Bäume? Findet einen besonderen Baum aus unserer Liste. Sie sind zu Naturdenkmälern erklärt worden, da sie besonders wichtig für das Stadtbild sind.
In München findet man eine Menge Wildtiere wie Füchse, Marder oder Kaninchen. Auch die sagenumwobenen Wolpertinger sollen bereits gesichtet worden sein. Findet eine wilde Tierart in der urbanen Umgebung. Macht ein Foto von ihr.
At Viktualienmarkt, there are all kinds of delicacies that have a tradition in Bavaria. These include white sausages, pretzels, and beer. But do you also know what an Obazda is? Buy an Obazda and find out what ingredients are in it.
At the Viktualienmarkt you can find the spice shop. Visit this small store and try a spice blend that you haven't tasted before.
Trying something new can be like opening a door to another world. Explore the world of food by searching for a dish you've never tried before. Perhaps there are special local delicacies that you have yet to discover.